Thursday, January 16, 2014

Working out, it's like crack.....cept you get to keep your teeth!

The hardest thing after starting is stopping!  Been workin and grinding away....Call me crazy, but I LOVE to feel sore!  Makes me feel accomplished and like what I'm doing is actually working!  I still LOVE to HATE leg day, but it's gotta be done.  Girl's night is always the best :)

Aspire to inspire!  My mini me at the gym :)

Hurts so good!


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Goals not resolutions!

A new year is upon us!  Make small attainable goals and then SMASH EM while on your way to that final bigger goal!

The gyms will be filled with newbies trying to make a change for the better. As "vets" in the gymlife let's lead by example, show them what gym etiquette is about, offer help when asked for it, be patient, humble and BEAST on. These people are looking up to you and possibly drawing motivation from YOU! Whether they stick with it or not we should represent the fitness community well, because one day they might be back for good.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!  Let's make 2014 our fittest year yet!!!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I like BIG BUTTS and I cannot lie!

Bulking season is in full force!!!   I am up to 130-132 (highest weight ever, aside from pregnancy) right now, from 114 show weight.  I'm really hoping that by the end of all of this, when I cut, that there will be a noticeable change in my overall size!!
I have noticed an increase in strength, which is awesome!  My squats are still weak, but getting way better and I leg pressed 8 plates the other day!!!!   For me, this is fantastic.  I never used to do legs and they are extremely weak.  My butt is starting to lift and tighten, like a big perky backwards C!!! 

About 7 more months of this....I don't know if I can handle getting fatter!!!!!  UGH......
XOXO, Bling aka Bulk Hogan aka Bulkasaurus-Flex