Monday, May 27, 2013

Wait, what?

Amy, my trainer, was asking all kinds of questions on Friday...about my food intake, how I'm doing with it, if I feel hungry or full, then said she's changing up my diet. She also said she can see a change in my upper body (filling out more)!!  Asked how I feel about my leg progress (since I always wear pants and she can't see them).  Finally she finished off with asking, "what is the date of the show you want to do?"....I say Sept 28th and she dropped the BOMB..."let's see if we can get you ready for the Treasure Coast Show in AUGUST." 

WAIT, WHAT??  3 more months of prep time left!  OH.EM.GEE, SHIZ JUST GOT REAL!!   (so excited to see the changes).

XOXO, Bling


  1. What were you doing, diet-wise and what's the change now?

    1. Training's cray! 6 meals a day every 2.5-3hrs. They just change up what you can have to see what your body responds to best. I was on 4 of 6 meals that included a carb. Now I'm on only 2 of my 6 meals include a carb (and not just any carb)...only a choice of sweet potato, oats, quinoa, or brown rice measured out to whatever specifications I'm given.

  2. Dang. They give you a menu? I'm all good with diets if I get a menu. If I have to figure it out on my own, I fail.

    1. Not specific...just things to chose from then slap it together :)
