Monday, August 19, 2013

ABSolutely amazeballzzzz!!!! abs!  I cannot believe the changes I am seeing in my body these last couple of weeks.  It's frikken crazy.  This pic was taken 6 days out.  5 more to go!!!  I'm so very excited to hit the stage and even more giddy to get my CHEAT FOODS!!!!  LOL

Also playing with makeup today and the next few days to get my stage up perfected!  I kinda feel like I have peacock feathers hanging off my lashes with these falsies on, LMFAO.  But my lil sis, who is a makeup guru, says they are great for stage cuz they can be seen from far away! :)

XOXO, Bling


  1. Wow! You have an amazing physique! Your abs look awesome! Great definition in them - ripped 8 pack! I am blown away by your progress as well! Do you have a facebook fan page or IG? Also, do you plan on competing again? Thank you for your time and for sharing your journey with us! Keep us posted on your progress (especially that 8 pack)!

    1. OMGOSH...THANKS! I do have an IG it's
      I haven't really thought about making a "fan page" on FB, didn't think anyone would care. That's so sweet of you to ask! I do have a regular page that I can be followed on. It's under sh0ewh0re7

      I DO PLAN TO COMPETE AGAIN, this month actually! Sept 28th I'll try my hand at a Figure competition. Not sure how thrilled I am about it tho. I REALLLLLLY like the Bikini division because of the cute suits, the glitz, glamour and flair of the posing. Figure to me seems too monotonous and kinda manlyish, LOL. Well compared to Bikini anyway.

      XOXO, Bling aka Sh0ewh0re7 aka Vicky
