Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Live up to your words..

Be humble...

People like to throw that phrase around and have no idea how to actually live up to it. To be humble one must not be arrogant, conceited, egotistical, pretentious, cocky, or condescending. Boasting about how great you are and that all others should get off your stage is not an example of being humble. Everyone on that stage has their own story, their own reasons for being there, and have just as much of a right to be there as you. Humble people don't show feelings of superiority, they bring others up with them instead of tearing them down. If you're going to hash tag #behumble...lead by example!

XOXO, Bling


  1. Great post! And I'd say you are a humble role model :) . Whew - check out those abs too! You've got them chiseled and defined! I'm tellin ya, that ab flex video is going to be a gem! Keep up that great work!!

    1. Thank you! I always try to remind myself that there is always someone more or less whatever than what I think I am. No one is ever the best forever...someone will always come along and beat you. The only thing we can do is continue to be the BEST that we can be.
