As we all know, I've been STRUGGLING HARD for almost 3 years since competing in the NPC. My rebound weight was fierce and I haven't yet lost it. Well, THIS.IS.IT. I'm done fukkin around! I'm sick and tired of feeling DISGUSTING, of being angry, of being sad, of feeling like a complete loser and hating when my husband tells me I'm beautiful. Because in my eyes, I AM NOT and I don't believe him when he says it, no matter how sincere he is. Poor guy...he's so amazing and he in no way deserves my MISERY.
Last week I saw on
+Ashley Horner 's page a 10 WEEK CHALLENGE called
Transform You and I joined it! The GRAND PRIZE IS $4k!!!! Honestly, I'm not even doing it for the BIG prize....I'm doing for the prize of "winning" back my happiness, my comfort and myself! I will be using Ashley's 12 week trainer called BECOMING EXTRAORDINARY (yes, I will continue after the challenge to finish the 12 weeks).
So, the first step was to sign up and send in before pics, UGH, FML! 2/27/2017 156LB

One week in and I'm feeling so much better already!!! The week's workouts were intense and fast paced, as I only have ONE hour to get it done on 4 of the 5 days...but I'm DOING THE DAMN THING!
My meals are clean, fresh, lower carb and I already feel an impressive difference in MAH BELLY.
Here's my one week check in... 3/5/17 152LB. The weight change is barely anything...but the way I felt in my clothes this weekend was unlike anything I've felt in the last 3 years. HOT AND SEXY!
XOXO, BLING #transformyou #becomingextraordinary #ashleyhorner
(never give up, never quit)