Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Where has the time gone?!

I am now 3.5 weeks away from my first NPC Bikini Competition in the Treasure Coast Championships in Port St. Lucie, FL!  OMG, I cannot believe has quickly the time has passed during this process and how many changes I've seen my body go through.  It's incredible.  Amy Moore with Fit & Psyched is such an amazing trainer.  I owe so much to her, THANK YOU!

The mental games have begun....I find myself always thinking of bad/yummy foods and cheating on my diet!  During my last visits to Target and the grocery store I have found myself standing in the candy or cookie aisles just staring at everything, thinking to myself, "what can I get that's not TOO bad" or "what can I get for Ava".  As if she's even asked me for anything, which she has not! 

When I "snap to" I walk away shaking my head in disgust, anger, and most of all relief that I was strong enough to resist the urges and be steadfast in my fight for this "dream" of mine!  I will overcome, I am strong not only on the outside but on the inside as well!!!!  Come on August 25th...CHEAT DAY!  LOL

XOXO, Bling


  1. I use to do the same thing! lol I would walk down the candy aisle and stare down the candy like a crazy woman.

    1. Funny thing is I don't normally eat candy. Now cookies cakes or desserts in general I can fuhhhh those up!!!! Hence why you won't find em in my house.
