Monday, September 23, 2013

Needed this....

I soooo needed to see this, thanks to my little sister for posing it to my page today....
click here ----- > Motivation

With my first figure competition coming this Saturday and me not feeling uber confident or prepared (due to my size), it helped to PUSH ME to keep going and give it my best even if my best isn't good enough for a win, THIS TIME!  But I WILL keep pushing and NEVER GIVE UP! 

I really hate disappointing people, mostly myself.

XOXO, Bling

1 comment:

  1. That was a good video! I'm not sure if you're familiar with Dr. Layne Norton, but he has a youtube channel (biolayne) and he talks about the importance of passion in one of his video logs. If you ever want to learn more about training, nutrition, etc., check him out! That's right, give it your best! It can only get better from here for you if you keep pushing! You are not a disappointment! We are proud of you, and we believe in you! :)
